10 Best Places to Visit In Bosnia and Herzegovina

1. Sarajevo


Sarajevo– Capital  Bosnia and Herzegovina


There are many awesome places to visit in Bosnia and Herzegovina. If I were to sum up Sarajevo in one word, it would be: underrated. Because this city does not get the hype it deserves. It has so much going on; it’s full of beautiful sights, the food is amazing, it’s authentic and super cheap. Sarajevo is more than just the capital in Bosnia. To think of what happened there during the siege just 20 years ago, and to see how it’s thriving today – it touched me deeply. This unpretentious city , with apparent marks of the 1990’s conflict,  knew how to stand up after all the suffering endured.


2. Mostar


Mostar  Bosnia and Herzegovina


While Sarajevo is underrated and authentic, Mostar is all kinds of pretty.It is beautiful beyond beautiful. Mostar is in the south of Bosnia; the sunny and lush Herzegovina region. It’s known for its Stari Most bridge, but I dare say there are plenty more reasons to go than the bridge. If you like quaint fairy tale towns and azure blue water, this is for you in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


3. Blagaj Tekke


Blagaj Tekke  Bosnia and Herzegovina


20 minutes drive or so from Mostar, you’ll find this delightful little place called Blagaj Tekke. It’s a Dervish monastery, nearly 600 years old, and it’s built under a cliff. Absolutely gorgeous and a must-visit if you ask us. You can visit the tekke and also take a brief boat ride into the cave which is the source of the Buna river. It costs a few marks.


4. Kravice Waterfalls


Kravice Waterfalls Bosnia and Herzegovina


If I could only go back to one of the cities in Bosnia, it would be Kravice waterfalls, hands-down. As much as I love the mountainous wonder that is everywhere in Bosnia, it is the mountainous wonder + cascading clear waterfalls that really puts stars in my eyes. Also, swimming in these blueish green waterfalls … that doesn’t hurt, either. And YES, you can actually swim here! While swimming is usually strictly verboten, like in the nearby Plitvice Lakes, it is very much allowed in Kravice. 


5. Konjic


Konjic – Old Bridge Bosnia and Herzegovina


Located right between Sarajevo and Mostar, you’ll find Konjic. It’s this pretty little town with an old bridge from 1682, which is regarded the point where Herzegovina meets Bosnia. So, right in the middle. I’d say definitely stop here, if only for 30 minutes, if you’re passing by.


6. Pocitelj


Pocitelj Bosnia and Herzegovina


Another of the best cities in Bosnia is Počitelj, a medieval walled village perched on a mountain side. What makes it unique is the picturesque mix of Ottoman and medieval architecture. While it’s easy to miss or just drive by, I say you should make the effort. And UNESCO seems to agree, because they’ve placed Počitelj on their tentative list. It’s a swift 30 minute drive from Mostar, and the roads are in very good condition.


7. Jajce


Jaice Bosnia and Herzegovina


One of the best cities in Bosnia is Jajce (and if you have time, squeeze in a visit to nearby Travnik). One of Jajce’s most favorable features is the Pliva waterfall, which is situated right in the center of town. And if the waterfall isn’t amazing enough for you, the lakes (and the cevapi) are incredible. So many reasons to go there. So go in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


8. Zuta Tabija


Zuta Tabija Bosnia and Herzegovina


Sarajevo is a huge city, but it’s difficult to realize that within the confines of the Old Town. To get a true sense of its scope, you need to walk or take a taxi to Zuta Tabija, the so-called “Yellow Fortress” that overlooks the city. This is a particularly enjoyable experience at sunset, when orange and yellow light reflects off mosque towers and Avaz Twist Tower (the tallest building in the country) alike, illuminating the mix of new and old that underscores Sarajevo’s beauty.


9. The Eternal Flame


The Eternal Flame Bosnia and Herzegovina


It’s difficult not to mention tragedy when writing about Bosnia, even when talking about beauty—so many sad chapters in the country’s history have beautiful conclusions. To be sure, there are few more emotional sights than the Eternal Flame that burns in the center of Sarajevo, ironically just steps from the best Srebrenica museum outside of Srebrenica itself. It’s a reminder that irrespective of political or humanitarians challenges, the Bosnian spirit will endure forever.


10. Vrelo Bosne


Vrelo Bosne Bosnia and Herzegovina


If you travel just southwest of Sarajevo, you will find one of the country’s most beautiful natural landmarksVrelo Bosne. Located in Ilidža, this park is the spring of the River Bosna, and offers a wide variety of activities.  Playgrounds, cafés, ice-cream stands, horse and carriage rides, photographers, and painters are all found here. Yes, the water really is as crystal clear as in the pictures! It’s normal to find swans and ducks swimming around, and small bridges from which you can view them. If you go to Bosnia, I recommend you definitely stop by Vrelo Bosne.

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